Application for Full-Time Admission

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  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
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Please complete all sections of this application.

If you do not have a student account set up yet, please create one before proceeding with this application. 
Go to this page: Enroll New Student Then click "Enroll" and select "New Student"

New Hampshire residents may attend the Virtual Learning Academy Charter School free of charge. Non-resident students will be assessed a tuition fee based on credits completed. As per RSA 193:12, VLACS reserves the right to request proof of residency.

Please note that students cannot be dual enrolled in CSF and the Full Time VLACS program. They may remain enrolled in VLACS courses as a part-time student.

Student Information

Example: Town, State

Parent/Guardian, please confirm the following:

Student Questions

This section of the application should be completed by the student. Please write as much or as little as necessary to sufficiently answer the questions.

Current/Previous School Information

Please list the last school attended. If only Home Schooled, please just list Home School here.

If student has attended current school for less than one year, please list name of previous school(s):

Any student under the age of 18 who withdraws from another school prior to their acceptance to the full-time VLACS program must submit a Letter of Intent to Homeschool with a local superintendent, a principal of a nonpublic school, or the Commissioner of the Department of Education within 5 business days of the official withdrawal. A sample NH Letter of Intent and additional information can be found here: Homeschool State Laws. Please contact your local SAU with questions.

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Legal Guardian Questions

This section of the application should be completed by the student’s parent/guardian. Please write as much or as little as necessary to sufficiently answer the questions.