McGarr Awards (11th grade, 12th grade)

Applicant Information

Month & Year


Interview or written application

Click here to view the rubric that will be used to assess your application. 
 To be considered for this award:
1. Seniors graduating within three months must complete an interview.
2. Seniors not graduating within 3 months and juniors who are currently enrolled in an Experience may apply via interview or writing.

Please click here to schedule an interview. 

Please click here to view the rubric that will be used to assess students' applications. 

In your interview, you will be asked the following questions:
  1. Describe the goals that you are developing per your Future Plan.
    • What are your goals? 
    • What specific steps do you plan to take?
    • Outline your timeline to achieve this.
  2. Describe how your personal traits, interests, experiences and activities have shaped and influenced your current career goals. 
  3. Explain the connection between how you will use the funds and your Future Plan goals. 
  4. What personal or family circumstances have led you to seek financial assistance through these funds? 
  5. Provide a detailed budget for your proposed use of the McGarr Award funds. 
5a. Example Budget for an aspiring photographer
Sample Budget
1. Describe the goals that you are developing for your Future Plan:

a. Example Budget for an aspiring photographer
Sample Budget