Adult Education Diploma / HiSET GED Program Application

Are you 21 years of age or older?
You must be 21 years of age or older to apply to the VLACS Adult Education Diploma program. If you are not yet 21, you can still prepare for the HiSET and GED. 
Hidden Fields

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Please choose from the following options: 
Schedule a meeting
Please book a meeting using the link below, or email if you would like additional times to meet.

Student Information

Legal Name

Maiden Name (if applicable)
Preferred First Name (if different from Legal First Name)
Mailing Address

Additional Information

Please use mm/dd/yyyy format.

School History Information

We will need to review your official high school transcript(s). Please request that all of your previous high schools send us your official transcript. Transcripts should be sent to:


Mail: Virtual Learning Academy Charter School
19 Hampton Road, Bldg B, Ste 11, Exeter, NH 03833

Click here to fill out a transcript release form which allows us to request your transcript(s) for you. 

In the meantime, if you already have an unofficial copy of your transcript, you can upload it with your application or send it to us and we can get started with an initial review. 

Based on your previous work or life experience and primary job responsibilities we may be able to award credit towards your diploma. 
Work/Life Experience

Please feel free to send your resume to or upload it with your application.

We may be able to award credit based on certifications you may have earned, training that you may have done, professional development or community service you have taken part in throughout your work/life experience.
Certifications, Training and Professional Development

Financial Assistance

As a resident of New Hampshire, you may be eligible for financial assistance.

To apply, please respond to the questions that appear below. Feel free to share as much as with which you are comfortable. The VLACS Director of Adult Education and Program Manager for Adult Education reviews each application to determine the amount of financial assistance that can be offered

Financial Assistance Application

Application Fee

You may pay the non-refundable $50 Application Fee on this form via credit card, or by check or money order to the VLACS office address. Please note, do not send cash through the mail.

You've selected the option to Pay Later. You must mail a check or money order to the VLACS office address below. Please note, do not send cash through the mail.

19 Hampton Rd., Bldg. B, Ste. 11
Exeter, NH 03833

Your application will not be considered complete until the application fee is received.
Payment Information
Credit Card


Application Signature

Congratulations on taking the first step towards your diploma! 

Once we have received your transcripts and application fee, we will schedule your Admissions Meeting. If you have any questions, please call 603-592-5378 or email Thank you!